Thursday, January 26, 2012

Things to know about Diet Pills

Nowadays, everyone more or less would like to lose some weights to have the perfect body that they dream of from the TV commercials.  Diet pills also known as anti-obesity medications are seen everywhere in life. You would be surprised how many kinds of diet pills are out there. However, people tend to focus on the effectiveness of the pills and neglect the side effects accompanying with. Such as rapid heart beat, high blood pressure, restlessness, insomnia as well as drug addiction. Many diet pills often suppress the appetite which will cause weight loss in the short term, but it also causes problem to our health. It is important for those people who are currently on diet pill or people intending on taking diet pills to learn that these pills you ingest could potentially harm your body. I believe the costs these diet pills associated with our health way outweighs the benefit it brings to us.

At the end I would like to send out a message that “Diet pill is not worth your time, your money, nor your health”. Remember no pills are good for health. Diet pills aren’t the best way to lose weight. Taking drug is serious and should not be taken lightly.

Anti-obesity medication. (n.d.). Retrieved Jan 25, 2012 from the